


A disorder of the cholesterol absorption in the intestine is the most effective and safest method of the treatment of hypercholesterolemia. A new medical product Zetia works according to that principle, and it can be bought without prescription in the online pharmacy.


About Zetia

Zetia is a hypolipidemic drug of the new generation. It contains an active ingredient Ezetimibe.


Unlike statins, Zetia does not influence on the production of cholesterol in the liver. It prevents an absorption of cholesterol including their vegetable fats from the intestine.


Most patients do not follow a special diet and consume a lot of food rich in vegetable and animal fats. Zetia is located at the boundary of the small bowel and slows down an absorption of cholesterol. This leads to the reduction of the cholesterol coming from the intestine to liver. Due to the regular use of Zetia within 2 weeks, the absorption of cholesterol is reduced by more than 50% in the intestine.


Using Zetia, a general level of cholesterol is reduced slowly than using other hypolipidemic products but the pharmacological safety of Zetia is higher than its analogues. According to the results of the medical studies, the side effects of Zetia appear in 3% of cases, and it is lower than in statins, bile acids, and fibrates.


Side effect

Zetia does not cause metabolic changes, and therefore the side effects appear seldom and are not noticed by patients. The side effects of Zetia often appear in the gastro-intestinal tract: abdominal pain, diarrhea, bloating, nausea.


Indications for the use

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  • Primary hypercholesterolemia (monotherapy or combination therapy with statins)
  • Increased level of plant sterol in blood plasma



In what dose is Zetia used?

The optimal dose of Zetia is 10 mg per day to treat primary hypercholesterinemia. The daily dose of Zetia 10 mg is not reduced during the combination therapy with statins.


If you are using bile acids to lower the cholesterol level, Zetia 10 mg should be used at least 2 hours before or in 4 hours after these acids.


Zetia 10 mg is taken at least 3 months to achieve a stable therapeutic effect and reduce the cholesterol level in the blood.


Recommendations for the use

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  • Before and during the treatment patients should follow a hypolipidemic diet. A healthy diet is a base of the fast and successful reduction of the cholesterol level
  • It is necessary to control the liver functions during the simultaneous use of Zetia with statins
  • Zetia is not prescribed children under 17 years old, pregnant women and patients with an individual intolerance of Ezetimibe



Where to buy Zetia without prescription?

If you are interested at Zetia without prescription, you can order this medicine in the online pharmacy. A free medical consultation of a pharmacist is offered for patients who have never taken Zetia without prescription.


Buying Zetia online you will save your money. You do not have to pay for the agents mark ups. You will buy Zetia without prescription at the manufacturer’s cost in the online pharmacy. The city pharmacies cannot provide such great conditions.


You can order Zetia online in any country. Just indicate your address and a courier will deliver your order in time. A discount received during the purchase of Zetia without prescription online will cover the cost of the shipment. Therefore, it is better to buy a big pack of Zetia for the entire course of the treatment.