


The protective mechanisms of the body not always resist herpes virus. It penetrates deeply into the cells of the central nervous system and can cause the symptoms at any time. To improve the body and protect against severe consequences of the herpes virus, we recommend you to pay attention to Valtrex medicine.


What is Valtrex?

Valtrex is an anti-viral medicine which neutralizes the cells of the herpes virus. It is impossible to completely cure of this viral infection. The activity of the virus can be blocked and the recovery process after the relapse can be accelerated.


A unique molecular structure of Valtrex helps to quickly and effectively block DNA of the viral cell and stop the infection development. The use of Valtrex on the stage of the acute condition of the viral infection will reduce the intensity of the rash, accelerate the healing process and help to remove the basic symptoms such as itching, pain, inflammation, and redness.


Directions for the use of Valtrex

Valtrex is used for the prevention and treatment of the symptoms of herpes virus:


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    • Herpes zoster
    • Herpetic infection of the skin and mucosa caused by herpes simples type 1 and 2
    • Genital herpes
    • Prevention of cytomegalovirus infection
    • Prevention of the acute rejection of implant during organ transplantation.



Valtrex will help to reduce pain during postherpetic neuralgia and prevent the development of scars on the affected skin areas.


In what dose is Valtrex used?

The dosage regimen is indicated after the previous examination of the symptoms and site of the viral infection. The more complicated the symptoms and form of the herpetic infection are, the longer Valtrex is used in high doses.


In the treatment of the herpes simplex, a minimal effective dose of Valtrex 500 mg is prescribed 2 times per day within 3-5 days. In rare cases, the treatment can be 10 days. Five days are usually enough to completely neutralize the activity of the virus.


In the treatment of the zoster herpes, 7-day-therapeutic course will be enough. Valtrex 1000 mg is used 3-4 times per day within 7 days. The general dose is 21-28 g of Valacyclovir.


In the treatment of the genital herpes, Valtrex 500 mg is taken once per day within 1-2 years depending on the frequency of the acute symptoms of the viral infection.


If Valtrex is prescribed for the prevention of the cytomegalovirus infections during the organs transplantation, the medicine is prescribed in the dose of 2 g 4 times per day right after the surgery. The medicine in that dose is taken at least 90 days to avoid a rejection of implant.


Side effects

Nausea and headache are the most common side effects which have been detected in the course of the medical tests of Valtrex. However, during the tests, scientists have found out that Valtrex can cause such unwanted symptoms as spasms, diarrhea, and hives.


The common dosage adjustment will help to completely neutralize the symptoms of the side effects.


Recommendations for the use Valtrex

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    • Using Valtrex in high doses (more than 4 g per day), the functions of kidneys and liver should be regularly controlled
    • In case of severe renal diseases, the adjustment of the daily dose of Valtrex is required
    • During pregnancy, Valtrex can be taken only by the doctor’s recommendation.


Buy Valtrex online

You can buy Valtrex in any city pharmacy, if you have a prescription. In order to get a prescription, you have to make an appointment to a doctor, have medical examination, and waste much time. The virus symptoms will affect your skin during this period and the treatment will take a long time.


In order to save time, you can buy Valtrex online. The purchase of Valtrex in online pharmacy will not take more than 5-7 minutes of your time. The main advantage of buying Valtrex online is no prescription.


Valtrex will be completely safe for a human and is approved by FDA, and therefore you can order Valtrex in the unlimited amount without prescription and pay for your order with the help of a bank card.