


Brahmi is a dietary supplement which has a broad therapeutic action. The product does not contain synthetic ingredients, and therefore it is absolutely safe for a human.


Brahmi contains only natural vegetable ingredient Bacopa monnieri. This plant grows in India, and they say that it causes a balance between cerebral hemispheres and a clarity of mind.


The action of Brahmi is directed at the central nervous system, cardiovascular system and digestion system. Brahmi is used to improve memory, intellectual abilities, and increase concentration. It increases stress resistance, information perceiving, weakens anxiety, and also provides a general soothing action to the central nervous system.


This product is very effective during cardiovascular diseases. Brahmi cleans the blood vessels, improves capillary circulation, excretes the excessive liquid from the body. Due to the unique characteristics of Brahmi, the blood pressure is improved, edema disappears, and skin looks better.


There are proved facts of the efficiency of Brahmi in the treatment of the dermatological and allergic diseases. Even if hormonal drugs do not help to stop allergy, Brahmi may neutralize the pathological processes by means of cleaning the body on the cellular level.


Most reviews about Brahmi are positive. People confirm a high working capacity of this drug and improvement of health during the treatment.


Even professional doctors recommend to take Brahmi during headache, neurosis, nervous anxiety, depression, cramps, skin diseases, cardiovascular diseases, sinusitis, memory deterioration, etc.


In what dose is Brahmi used?

Brahmi is produced in capsules for the oral use. Adult patients should take a capsule of Brahmi 2 times per day, before eating. It is recommended to use the drug within 50 days, and then take a break for 6 months.


There are no precise doses and certain scheme of the treatment in Ayurveda. It is individual, therefore a dosage regimen and a length of the therapy may be adjusted during the use of Brahmi. But do not take Brahmi in high doses (4 capsules per day and more). This will not quickly clean your body and restore all functions of the organs.



[tie_list type=”checklist”]Brahmi is not recommended patients under 15 years old, and also people with intolerance of Bacopa monnieri. If you noticed the appearance of the allergic reaction, stop the treatment[/tie_list]


Side effects

Brahmi is a vegetable product and does not contain synthetic ingredients, and that is why this drug does not cause side effects and is well tolerated during the observed dosage regimen.


Buy Brahmi online

Brahmi is not for sale in city pharmacies. If you want to buy this medicine, you should look for specialized Ayurveda saloons. But if you do not want to waste your time or there are no such saloons in your city, you may buy Brahmi online.


In online pharmacy, you may buy original Brahmi from a manufacturer. The drug is supplied to the pharmacy from the official distributors and meets all international pharmaceutical requirements. You may be confident in high quality of Brahmi online.


If you want to know more about how to buy Brahmi online and how to receive a discount for Brahmi, contact a representative of the pharmacy and s/he will answer all your questions.