


Abilify is a brand name of Aripiprazole which has been approved by FDA in 2002 to treat acute mental disorders.


The mechanism of the action of Abilify consists in the stimulation of dopamine and certain serotonin receptors, so that it is possible to lower the agitation of the central nervous system. Using Abilify, a patient will easily control emotions and behavior, become more calm, and anxiety, panic and psychoses will pass.


Despite binding Aripiprazole with receptors in the CNS and brain, it seldom causes the side effects and does not cause a medical addiction if it is used properly.


The symptoms of the acute psychoses are reduced in 3-4 hours after the use of a single dose of Abilify. The hal-life of the active ingredients is about 90-100 hours, and therefore patients are guaranteed a long sedative effect even if they forgot to take another dose.


Indications for the use

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  • Endogenous psychoses
  • Schizophrenia
  • Bipolar disorder
  • Acute Depressive Disorder



In what dose should be Abilify used?

The dose of Abilify is individual depending on the medical symptoms of the mental disorder. The tablets are used once per day with a full glass of water. To control the symptoms of the mental disorder and detect a sensitivity to Aripriprazole, the treatment begins with minimal daily dose of Abilify 15 mg. to increase the therapeutic action, the dose of Abilify can be gradually increased up to 30 mg per day.


Every patient needs an individual scheme of the treatment. The drug is usually used for 3 to 12 weeks. Even if a patient does not have the symptoms of psychoses or schizophrenia, the treatment should not be stopped in order to lower the risk of the relapse.


Probable side effects

General reaction which may occur during the use of Abilify are: dizziness, bloating, shortness of breath, insomnia, tremor, dizziness, pain and tinnitus.


When a patient has suicidal thoughts, it is necessary to control him/her in the medical conditions, or terminate the use of the drug.


If allergic reactions appear, the treatment must be stopped. Allergy probably appears because of the intolerance of Aripriprazole.


Special recommendations

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  • Abilify is not recommended patients under 16 years old
  • Patients with severe cardiovascular diseases should take Abilify carefully because there is a chance if the high load to the cardiac muscle
  • If epilepsym pancreatic diabetes, hyperthermia, the treatment should be controlled by a doctor
  • Abilify can be used during pregnancy only of there are no safer alternatives and the benefit from the treatment is higher than the expected harm for the fetus.



Buy Abilify online

Prices of Abilify in the online pharmacy will surprise you. If you compare the cost of Abilify online with the cost of Abilify in the city pharmacies, the difference may be 200-300%. The drugs will be always more expensive in the pharmacy chains because their cost includes all expenses at the transportation, customs clearance, and other expenses.


Online pharmacy sells Abilify at the low cost because it is supplied from the manufacturer. One can buy Abilify online at the low cost without leaving the house. The shipment will take several days and you will begin the treatment without prescription.


In order to buy cheap Abilify online, you need 5 minutes. After buying Abilify online, a representative of the pharmacy will process your order and send to the indicated address within 24 hours.